Complete List of Anthems
A Holy Sacrifice - Glorysound A7414
A Merry Christmas Wish - Hal Leonard 00159832 From the publisher: has taken one of the classic Christmas concert closers, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, added two new engaging counter-melodies, and wrapped them in an easy swing that invites the audience to sing along. Reminiscent in format to the Christmas classic Peace, Peace, this clever carol setting is sure to follow suit. A rhythm part is available separately as is a performance/rehearsal track. Cue sized-notes enable this voicing to work for middle school choirs on up.
A Million Notes - Lorenz view This is one of my best anthems, written for a long time director and accompanist who has played millions of notes. Includes a mantra inspired by Psalm 136: “The love of the Lord is forever…” Great for emphasis on stewardship, music ministry or God’s enduring love. Includes an optional flute part.
A Star – Lorenz 10/1048 NEW ORCHESTRATION This piece is a Christmas tradition in many churches. It appears in I Hear the Prophet Callin’ and most recently in The Seven Noels.
All God’s People Come Together - Lorenz 10/5758L This can be rousing celebration of unity and corporate worship. I set the tempo a little too slow on the demo. I do this as a solo and have the congregation sing the response, “Praise the Lord”.
Amen Is Where We Begin – Lorenz 10/3785L view sample
Amor Vincit Omnia (Love Conquers All) SATB: 15/3207H and SSA: 15/3208H “Though evil and hate seem strong, still love conquers all.” Appropriate for school and church.
Angels Are Making Their Rounds - 10/4230L view My cantata, Night of the Father’s Love was a surprisingly big seller. From that musical, ”Angels Are Making Their Rounds” is the one that people talk about the most. Each voice part quotes an angel one at a time, then they combine to create a feeling of “supernatural activity” with angels appearing here and there.
Angel Band - Lorenz
Angels’ Noel - Lorenz
Angels Unaware – Hope C5888 This is a very creative way to heighten our awareness of those in need. Based on Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
As Long as I Live - Lorenz 10/5458L view Inspired by Psalm 104, this celebrates our lives given to worship through music. With an easy contemporary feel, there are parts for rhythm section.
Arise, O Church, Arise - Hal Leonard This was commissioned by First Baptist Church, Gastonia, NC. This festival type anthem challenges the church to move boldly forward into the future. It includes quote from "Rise Up,O Church of God" and "To God Be the Glory". (opt. brass accomp.)
Be Strong – Hal Leonard HL 35030307 This has a great orchestration. So many people need to hear this message. This really drives to a dramatic ending. (Click the youtube icon for full screen.)
Be True to Your Song SAT(B) Heritage Great song for school or church. Be who you were created to be.
Beloved, Let Us Love One Another – Lorenz 10/4529L view This is intentionally simple and transparent. If there is one central truth that I have learned in church, this is it. A bestseller!
Bethlehem Procession - Glorysound A 7526 As the men begin with the drum-like, “Come, O come...,” the women soar with a lyrical line which beckons the listener to join the procession to see the Christ child. The piece builds to a joyous call to “come, see the shining light,” then gradually fades into the distance. You can almost feel the procession as it goes by. The optional bongos, tambourine and finger cymbals will make this anthem especially dramatic. A perfect piece to begin a program or to help tell the story of the wise men (Epiphany). I like it much slower than the demo.
Beyond All We Could Imagine – Hal Leonard 35029919 This is the kind of piece that every church wants to sing for its anniversary, visioning process or stewardship emphasis. Based strong on Ephesians 3:14-17, it is a strong, heartfelt call to claim God’s promise for the future. (full orchestration available) (Click youtube icon for full screen.)
Birthday in a Manger - Lorenz 10/47/67L view Many churches use “Happy Birthday” to help children celebrate Christ’s birth. I arranged this anthem for all ages to incorporate this song into your services in a worshipful way. Click view for ideas.
Blessed Are the Peacemakers – Shawnee A 7949 (drum part transcribed by Harold Green)
Blessed Is He - Glorysound HL 35002169 This Palm Sunday anthem first appeared in ONCE UPON A TREE.
Blessing Riddle, The - Jubilate 21607 (2-part also available:21608) I heard Doc Watson sing this folk melody with the words, "I Gave My Love a Cherry". This makes a perfect benediction or parting song. A congregational version is incldued at the end to be used after the choir teaches the piece. Since it is a folk melody, it is almost immediately singable by the congregation.
Blessings Abound - Lorenz 10/4738 view Great for Thanksgiving or general.
Blessings Over Me – Alfred 00-32266
Bring It All – Hal Leonard HL 35029213 One of my favorite texts I’ve written. “Do we try to be perfect when we come to meet the whispeLord?... The Lord knows all our weaknesses and offers up the call, ‘Come unto me and bring it all’”. Orchestration: HL 35029214. Trax: HL 3502915
Bring Them In – Lorenz 10/3710L view
Build Your House on the Solid Rock - Lorenz 10/5240L view Based on scripture from Matthew 7:24-27, this has a fun, swing-style quality to it that’s amplified with the optional rhythm accompaniment. Rhthym score and parts: 30/3729L. Split track: 99/4059L
Canta Hosanna – Shawnee / Hal Leonard #35026702 view Accomp CD and rhythm parts avail.
Care for Creation – Shawnee A8698
Carols We Love – Lorenz Piano book with arrangements by Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Ruth Elaine Schram & Larry Shackley. Each piece has an article by the arranger telling about the reasons it is a favorite.
Celebrate the Day - Beckenhorst BP2087
Children of Light - Hal Leonard
Christ Is Our Brother – Shawnee HL 35003536 From the Easter musical WE WERE THERE
Christ Lives On - Monarch 10/3229M view
Christ the Lord – Shawnee A7387 (view score) One of my favorite anthems though it was not a “hit”. This worshipful anthem reflects on how the Christ’s name was first announced. It then calls the listener to praise Jesus as the Christ.. Smooth and contemplative, each verse ends with a smooth soaring line carrying the text, “Jesus, Saviour, Christ, the Lord”.
Christ Will Be Our Banner - Monarch 10/1292P
Christmas Gift, The - Beckenhorst BP1674 See music. The piece begins with the congregation singing a nice hymn text to the tune of "The Holly and the Ivy" Their words talk about giving gifts to each other to celebrate Christ's birthday. Then as a surprise, a soloist plays the role of Jesus and asks, "You celebrate my birthday... What is your gift to me?" Then, there is a dialogue that mirrors the Biblical text of Jesus' discussion with His disciples that ends: "When you do it unto the least of these, you do it unto me." The piece encourages the listener to minister to those in need as a Christmas gift to Christ. A very unique idea.
Christmas Hallelujah - Monarch 10/2817M See the Music | A Gospel celebration of the season.
Christmas Joy - Glorysound A 7016 view sample Spiritual for the season. With piano accompaniment.
Church Is An Ark, The - Hal Leonard 35003982
Church Without Walls - Laurel Press (Lorenz) 10/2768LA
An inspiring prayer that God will lead the people of God to be the church in the world as break down barriers.
Circle of Love – Glorysound HL 35004009 An easy going country/folk anthem that reminds us that we are a circle of love in Christ. "Share the circle of love we've found, God is the center and God sur-rounds us with his love."
Circle of Praise - GlorysoundA 7388 (view score) The text calls the listener to join heaven’s never-ending circle of praise. The anthem has a modal feel and setting which is reminiscent of “Carol of the Bells.. The piece begins with an soft, yet energetic opening and builds to a explosive “B” section. Choirs will get caught up in the electricity of this piece.
Close Your Eyes and See – Shawnee A 7979 See the Music A very reflective worship song: “Close your eyes and see God’s glory. Close your lips, speak with your heart. Bring your soul quiet and open. This where God’s work will start.”
Come All Believers - Lorenz 10/3465L See the Music Composed in a sturdy sacred harp-style, this is a celebration of God's entire family. In a day when lives are so compartmentalized, the timely message reminds us that all are to "come together, joined as one in grateful praise".
Come and Rejoice - Glorysound A 7492 This bright energetic song beckons all creation to join as we sing and praise the Lord. Much of the piece is light (unison and 2 part) in texture to propel the bright driving rhythm. The running eighth notes of the piano provide an energetic accompaniment to match. The text was based on a song of David, found in I Chronicles 16:23-36, which was delivered before the Ark of the Covenant. This joyous anthem would serve well as a call to worship or to add to a special celebration.
Come Emmanuel! – Lorenz 10/4173L (SAB: 10/4174) view From vibrant anticipation to a dramatic call, this is a fresh way to begin Advent. My favorite part is the surprise ending. From my new cantata, Lead Me Back to Bethlehem.
Come to Me, Stay with Me, – Shawnee A8699 There is a lot of heart in this one. I wrote it during a supremely challenging time. I was so pleased with the demo produced by Joe Martin and the Shawnee Singers.
Come to the Water - AlfredSATB: 00-19935 See the SATB Mp3 Audio SAB: 00-19936
The Coming of the Lord - Lorenz 10/4923 View music. From the bestselling cantata, NIGHT OF THE FATHER'S LOVE.
Come, Ye Thankful for the Beauty - Lorenz 10/5328L view This weaves together “For the Beauty” and “Come Ye Thankful” while trading their texts and tunes. Easily learned, it is a natural for the fall or spring.
Comfort and Joy – Alfred 26462(2 pt: 26463)
Creator of It All - Hal Leonard HL 08744415
Create a Rhythm – Lorenz 15/3001H view For school and community groups. Parts for cabasa, congas, djembe, and marimba (30/2930H);
Creator Rhythm - Lorenz 10/3438M See the Music HIGH on the cool factor. With an African beat, the music and text focuses on the touch of creation that in all of nature and in every human heart. Listen for the rainstorm in the middle verse.
Crossing Over There – Hope C 5410 An optimistic song of yearning for the joys of heaven. (rhythm:C 5410R and rehearsal/accomp CD: C5410C)
Day to Sing Hosanna - Lorenz 10/5115L view music. A ¾ time piece with stomps and handclaps, it has a cool swaying motion. I think it’s best to clap on beats 2 AND 3 after the singing begins.
Deep Waters - Beckenhorst BP1636 See music. Designed to involve the congregation, this a cappella anthem tells the story of Jesus telling the disciples to go out to DEEP waters to fish. The piece serves to call the church to take risks in doing the ministry of Christ. "Go to deep waters, where only faith will let you go... harvests of faith will overflow. Since the chorus is easily memorized, it can be used as a processional / reccessional. I sing this faster than the demo.
Do This and Remember Me - Glorysound HL 8062064 This first appeared in ONCE UPON A TREE. Approaches the Lord’s Supper as Jesus’ farewell to his disciples.
Don’t Worry About Tomorrow - Lorenz 10/4214L view This is so fun to sing. It’s a message from the Sermon on the Mount that we all need to hear. A cappella with optional percussion and ukulele or guitar. My choir helped me insert a little joke on the very last measure. Accomp CD: 99/2970
Down to the Water to Pray – Glorysound A 7681 Also known as “Down to the River to Pray”. A cappella.
Draw Us Together - Glorysound A 7593 Written in a light 3/4 Gospel style, the piece is a prayer for church unity. "How can we share the Gospel of peace if peace doesn't live in our hearts?"
Easter Morning, Easter Day – Hal Leonard
Emerald Gates, The - Lorenz 10/3348M view One of my LOWEST sellers, but I love it! It’s an arrangement of a Sacred Harp hymn that just screams straight out of the hymnal.
Embrace the Day - Hope Publishing C6370 A upbeat reminder to cherish the moment and celebrate the blessings of the present day. A joyful Doxology helps the music to soar.
Everlasting Arms, The - Hal Leonard HL 35006106 This simple (very popular anthem has a country feel. See who is the last one to remember NOT to sing on the rest!
Everybody Needs Love – Hal Leonard A7662 The thought-provoking lyrics bring out the importance of God's acceptance of everyone, regardless of who they may be. A real self-esteem winner.
Faith to Face - Glorysound
Fall on Your Knees – Lorenz 10/4150L (SAB: 10/4151L) From the bestselling cantata, Night of the Father’s Love. I set out just to try to make it as gorgeous as I could manage. Very powerful!
Family of Faith - Lorenz 10/1657M view a sample | Many of our churches need to live more as a family, or maybe less like a family. This commissioned piece would be good for an anniversary or homecoming. Some churches have used it for family emphasis.
Fan the Flame – Lorenz 10/3958L view Accomp CD and brass parts avail.
Father, Forgive Them – Beckenhorst BP2035 preview A thoughtful, meditative, yet intense consideration of Christ’s plea from the cross. Perfect for Good Friday. As I wrote it, I also reflected on some of the cruel things humanity has done without realizing the evil of their deeds.
Father, Forgive Them - Shawnee A 7082 See the Music From my bestselling Once Upon a Tree.
Feast of the Lord – Hal Leonard Many times we like to do communion in a celebratory way. The anthem has a broad folk feel with a 6/8 meter. Very smooth, yet sparkling and joyous.
Feel the Joy of Worship - Hal Leonard HL 00402771 Celebrating the act of gathering together to worship the Lord. “Hearts are opening to praise to the Lord who has gathered us again. Thank the Lord for our family and friends.”
Fill-a-Me-Up - Lorenz 10/2807M(SAB with optional Spanish text: 10/3439M) (TTBB:10/4395L) Rehearsal tracks available! Embraced by churches and school choirs, it is simple to learn, but highly effective. I wanted to write a song about the Holy Spirit. As I reflected on what the song would be, I reached down deep to find what would be the song’s message. In the depths, I found a yearning and desire to be “filled up’ with the Spirit’s power. I added a little syllable to make the “a” sound to give it rhythmic vitality. “So many things try to fill me up, so many things try to weigh me down.” That’s true for adults, but especially for the middle school and high school who sing it. Performance/Accomp CD: 99/1717M
First Psalm, The - Hal Leonard
Fly Away Home (Look and Listen) - Lorenz 10/4691L view
Fly On, Sweet Heavenly Dove - Lorenz 10/4703L View
For the Pleasure of the Lord Hope C5798 view SATB with optional C instruments. A reminder why we worship.
For the Beauty of the Earth – Glorysound HL 35007117 This uses the orignal tune with a contrasting “B” section. The anthem has a very pastoral mood as the accompaniment flows with smooth triplets. From the recording, “Psalms of the Wood”.
Forever God’s Love Endures – Hope C 5941 (with optional cello) preview This anthem will help your congregation experience the certainty of God's eternal love, based on Psalm 118 - a text often used on Palm Sunday. The smooth, linear flow supports the theme of love, and a children's choir would be a natural addition to sing the simple chorus or verses, especially if used for Mother's Day. The addition of "Joyful, Joyful" near the end lends itself to everyone joining together.
Free Us, Emmanuel! – Lorenz 10/4569L view I'm always looking for a way to connect the story with the listeners' personal life experience. “Free us from the heavy chains of our sin and our sadness and body of pain!”
Fruit of the Spirit Lorenz 10/4213L view This anthem weaves all the fruits into a musical tree. It is a very distinctive approach to this familiar scripture from Galatians.
Gather by the River to Pray – Lorenz 10/4047L view “Down to the River to Pray” is partnered with “Shall We Gather at the River” for a great piece for baptism or when celebrating our future life in heaven.
Give Me a Song - Alfred 00-42531 This was one of the most significant musical experiences I've had. It was written to honor a couple who had served their church's music ministry. Three days before their recognition service, the woman died suddenly and the song was premiered instead at her funeral. The text was so appropriate as it spoke of giving our lives to the praise and worship of God.
Give Us a Vision - Monarch 10/1149P view
Give Us Peace - Hal Leonard HL 35007768 from PSALMS OF THE WOOD.
Giving Thanks - Hope C 6065
Gloriacappella- Lorenz 10/5185L A cool, fresh way to tell the shepherds' story. The voice sections combine to create an ostinato of "Gloria" as the soloist recalls the event. Some choirs will choose to sing it with piano doubling. If so, there is an alternate title.
Glory in the Lord – Hinshaw HMC 2071 A full bodied anthem with a contemporary feel. view sample Orchestration is available: HMC 2071A
Glory Is A-Coming Our Way – Lorenz 10/3714L view
Glory to God in the Highest Heaven - Lorenz 10/4693L view This has accompaniment, even orchestration, but it was first an a cappella anthem. From the cantata, ONE SILENT NIGHT, this is a spirited call-and-response folk style. Many will know the music from my “Fill-a-Me-Up”.
Go Tell It Where I Send Thee - Lorenz 10/5134L SATB/SAB and Piano with optional Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Perf/Acc CD, Fiddle. This piece is in Christmas Presence with orchestral accompaniment. view
Go to Him in Bethlehem - Hope C6250 The rhythmic energy has a dynamic global feel that makes it contagious to the listener as we hear the Christmas story in a new way. The rhythm and picc/flute parts really bring the anthem to life. More info and products.
God Breathed – Lorenz 10/4472L view With an air of mystery, this piece walks through the story of creation.
God Gives Us a Future with Hope – Lorenz 10/4396L view A bright upbeat piece that is great for church anniversaries or visioning emphases. Very enncouraging and uplifting
God Is Our Rock - Lorenz 10/5487L
God Is Our Rock - Lorenz 10/5487L view (Recording coming soon)
God of the Ages - Monarch 10/3624M view (2 part) A very graceful, scripture packed anthem which assures us of God’s presence and forgiveness.
God Hears Our Song - HL 35031827 This celebrates music's role in worship and then involves the congregation by singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy". Gently contemporary, congregations of every worship style will resonate with its musical and theological themes.
God’s Mercy is Wide –Monarch 10/3605M(SAB: 10/3606M)
God Will Open a Door - Lorenz 10/5134L view I've often heard people talk about God opening a door and thought I'd give them a way to sing it. Note the "opening" theme as the voice parts echo to communicate the opening of the door. (See just above for video.)
God’s Unconditional Love – Hal Leonard 3502958 This is often said, but I don’t often hear it sung.
Goin’ On Up to Bethlehem – Alfred 18954 (SAB: 18956) See the Music My choir had a blast singing this rocking Christmas spiritual. "Why do you stand there wasting time? We are going on up to Bethlehem." (Available in SATB and SAB).
Gospel Hymns We Love Lorenz 70/1662L Piano book with arrangements by Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Ruth Elaine Schram & Larry Shackley. Each piece has an article by the arranger telling about the reasons it is a favorite.
Great Jehovah – Shawnee A8751
The Greatest Commandment – Lorenz 10/4304L view If we follow the greatest commandment, all the rest falls into place. “Love the Lord with all your heart… and your neighbor as yourself.”
Guilty of Innocence - Hal Leonard 35008629 This first appeared in ONCE UPON A TREE.
He Is Alive! Lorenz 10/4999L view music Full of joyous, driving energy and perfect for Easter morning worship, this anthem by Pepper Choplin powerfully celebrates the resurrection. The syncopated melody is well supported by the piano, and the optional brass quartet adds a layer of exhilaration to the message that Jesus is alive!
Hear Your People Singing - Alfred17933 See the Music "Hear your people singing, 'We thank you'".The choir teaches this line to the congregation who sings it in response.This song has a reverent chorus feel. It would be especially useful in a church that wishes to incorporate contemporary elements. There are FOUR options for texts: general, communion, thanksgiving and Pentecost. With this flexibility, your congregation could sing it at many times during the year.
Heavens Are Telling, The – Lorenz 10/1048
Heaven’s Choir – Lorenz 10/3867 view Every time I direct this, it just seems to roar. One verse says, “When lift our voices to heaven…, we prepare for the day when we join all heaven’s praise with an audience of one.” The other verse is strong statement of unity in the church. This music is contained with full orchestration in the cantata, One Silent Night as "Behold the Child". It is also in The Body of Christ as "Behold the Lamb". The intros are a bit different.
Heaven Crowned Him Christ the King - Lorenz 10/5144 view his song can be used in so many occassions: Christmas, Easter, Christ the King Sunda,y, Ascension or just a general praise anthem.
Heavenly Star 10/4276L from Heaven's Child.
Heaven's Song - Glorysound A 7245 See the Music SSAA recording This is from my choral album entitled, PSALMS OF THE WOOD. It is a collection of my choral music accompanied by folk instruments and keyboards. Often, I hear people talk about a need for greater spirituality; to really feel connected to God. This is true even in the secular realm, for there is much discussion about spirituality. “Heaven’s Song” expresses that need in every human heart.
Help Me Lift-a-My Load - Lorenz 10/4845L
Hem of Your Robe – Alfred 00-24316 00-18955 View sample A bestseller! Inspired by a passage from Matthew 14: 35-36, this is an original spiritual, sung a cappella with optional shaker
Hold On to the Rock – SATB: Lorenz 10/4568L view TTBB : 10/5377L A very spirited Gospel a cappella. “It doesn’t take a mighty earthquake to shake the ground you stand on.” This ministers to us all as we experience our own personal “quakes”.
Holy and Mighty - Lorenz 10/3283M (TTBB: 10/3284M) view The harmony builds easily in Barbara Ann style. For a bright energetic contemporary anthem with a bit of an African feel. A bestseller!
Holy Is the One - Lorenz10/2412M view
Holy Mystery – Lorenz 10/3702L view
Holy Sacrifice, A - Glorysound A7414 See the Music This was written to celebrate the anniversary of Lewis Phillips and his selfless service as Minister of Music at First Baptist Church, Mocksville, NC. The song is a prayer that the offering of our lives and our song will be made holy and acceptable to God. It has the mood of a worship chorus.
Holy Spirit, Light Divine – Church Street Press
Hosanna Gathering - Lorenz 10/4715 view
Hosanna in the Streets – Lorenz 10/4059L (SAB:10/4060L) view This conveys the excitement and the tension of the crowd as Jesus rode through the Jerusalem streets. There are opportunities for soloists in this anthem and the option of using trumpet and percussion or full orchestra for accompaniment. Questions from the people are answered with shouts of affirmation in this perfect choice for Palm Sunday. From the cantata "Come, Touch the Robe". Tpt and perc: 30/2652L. Orch:30/2651L. Trax: 99/2802L
How Beautiful Your Name - Glorysound A7030 See the Music One of my favorite oldies. A smooth and meditative worship chorus.
How Great Is the Lord - Lorenz 10/5250L - Rhythmic and worshipful, this could be a strong multi-generational anthem with the optional children’s choir. the chorus features a strong melodic hook optional children’s choir a delightful addition.
How Long? - Lorenz 10/4172L One of the most asked questions of faith. The verses begin, “How long ‘til this world is free from suffering?” “Press on, let faith and hope sustain you.” “Send me until the love of heaven will descend and peace will reign again.”
Hungerin’ in My Soul – Shawnee A8756 See the Music There is a lot of passion creativity in this one. Still the message is our hunger for the Lord’s presence and strength.
Hymns We Love – Lorenz Piano book with arrangements by Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Ruth Elaine Schram & Larry Shackley. Each piece has an article by the arranger telling about the reasons it is a favorite.
I Bring a Heart of the Thanks – Lorenz 10/4157L view I was well into writing this piece when I felt that it need something to make it come alive. At the same time, I was watching “Sing Off” and thought that a few vocal effects would really bring add energy. Use the “doots” and the “background singer” parts to give the piece extra drive and excitement. This could also be done a cappella
I Gave My Love a Cherry – Alfred (SATB:41605) (The Riddle Song) This is a school arrangement of a beautiful folk song. Years ago, I heard Doc Watson sing it and I was struck by its soulful simplicity. (SAB:41606, SSA:41697) This is a gorgeous demo. Also see “The Blessing Riddle”, a church piece with the same tune.
I Hear the Prophet Callin’ - Lorenz single anthem 10/3751L view
I Hear the Prophet Callin’ – Lorenz Christmas musical 65/2005L (SAB: 65/2006L)
I Will Praise the Lord - Fred Bock Music BG2305 view sample This energetic anthem would be a dynamic way to begin a service, especially if you added percussion instruments. If you are looking for a bright - almost boisterous call to worship, check out this piece.
I Will Sing a Sunday Song - Alfred SATB:19894 View a sample 2 pt:19936
I Wouldn't Miss Heaven for the World - Glorysound This was co-written with Dallas Pearce, who once was a songwriter for Sony Tree. He saw this title on a church sign and I thought it would make a great Gospel anthem.
I'm Going Home – Glorysound HL 35010546 This boisterous Sacred Harp hymn was used in the movie, Cold Mountain. This arrangement puts the hymn into a very vibrant SATB form. Our choir has a blast singing this.
I'm Gonna Sing All the Way to Heaven - Glorysound A 7370 See music. I haven't written much in the "gospel quartet" style, but this idea popped into my head on my way from work one day. The choir sings about hope through the struggles as it rehearses for the ultimate choir in heaven. The demo is way too slow.
If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking –Heritage/Lorenz 15/2035H (school and community) 15/2035H
If God Is For Us - Hal Leonard
In Every Song - GlorysoundA 6986 See the Music
In My Father’s House - Glorysound A 7092 See the Music
In the Hands of the Lord - Hal Leonard 35010770 With its opening lines, “See the hands, see the face, see the miracle of God’s grace,” this tender anthem dedicates the gift of our children to the Lord. I had the words printed on the front cover to make it suitable for a momento of the occassion. Click here for to see the complete text. While the intimate text is perfect for dedicationos and baptism, the final verse, “when our hands must let them go”, makes this piece especially appropriate during graduate recognition. People of all stages of life will be touched by this poignant text.
Inasmuch - Lorenz 10/5399L view Inspired by Matthew 25:37–40, this focuses on Christ's teaching to minister and serve those around us. "As you offer your hand of compassion to the very least of these, You minister to Me." An optional rhythm accompaniment complements the relaxed feel of this anthem.
Is There Room for a Sinner - Alfred 20905 (SATB arr.) and 20906 (2 part mixed) view With a spiritual feel, this is a heart felt confession song. It begins with the reflective question and ends with an up tempo celebration that there IS room for us all. A general anthem that may be especially useful for Lent and discipleship. It incorporates the refrain from a traditional 19th century American folk hymn, "Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy."
Isaiah's Vision - Glorysound A 7543 View a sample This piece leads the people through Isaiah's vision of heaven (Is. 6:1-6). A narrator reads the text and the choir reflects on the story. The congregation is encouraged to sing the easily learned chorus. Designed to be a worship experience.
Jazz Hosanna - Fred Bock Music BG2303 See the Music This would be a creative processional, especially for Palm Sunday. The demo is must too fast and pointed. It should be in a relaxed folk, almost spiritual style.
Jesus, Clear the Temple – Beckenhorst BP2034 preview This is often preached about and is in every year of the lectionary, but I had never heard an anthem based on the story. “Drive out self-ambition, cast out the petty things. Break down the divisions and the sorrow they can bring. Overturn the tables of our selfishness and greed. Break our hearts to minister to those in need.”
Jesus, Lord of Light and Grace - Warner BSC9711 This is out of print. It’s listed here to remind that I wrote it!
Jesus Loves You Little One – Exaltation 10/3376L view Great piece for children’s day or child dedications and baptisms. Using the traditional tune, the text says, “Jesus loves you little one as your new life has begun. You will never leave His care. He is with you everywhere.”
Joined at the Heart - GlorysoundA 7248 from PSALMS OF THE WOOD
Joy in the Desert - Hal Leonard 000339793 An ideal Advent anthem, this will work throughout the year. I like the staccato of the B section, “And then the lame shall leap like a deer and the speechless sing.” A very uplifting picturesque piece!
Joyful Celebration - Alfred 16442 See the Music
Joyful Noise – Lorenz 10/4901L view With lots of "noise" on piano, congas and flute.
King of Suffering – Lorenz 10/4351L From my cantata, Come Walk with Me, this builds through the experience of the cross, toward the dramatic conclusion, “It is finished”.
Kingdom of the Light – Shawnee A7694
Lazy Chicks – Shawnee Children’s piece for school
Lay His Body Down Lorenz 10/4207L view Using the folk melody, this is a poignant way to end the scene at the cross. This will work with any choir with at least three people! If you like this, you may want to see the musical that it is from, Come Walk with Me.
Lay Up Your Treasures – Lorenz 10/1461M (TTBB: 10/3766) My assignment was to write a stewardship piece - not an easy subject. So I went to the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew. This has appeared in the American Choral Director’s National Convention reading session.
Lead Me Back – Glorysound A7763 See the Music A best seller! A very sincere song of confession and restoration which uses the parable of the prodigal son with optional scripture reading and sheet for congregation.
(Click "youtube" icon for full screen)
Lean on Me (Everlasting Arms) Hal Leonard HL 00121532 I was asked to sing “Lean on Me” for a funeral. Trying to help it fit into a memorial service, I combined it with “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. It fit so naturally, I wondered if the pop song was based on the hymn. (I have no knowledge that it was.) When I have included a secular song in a worship service to communicate a spiritual truth, I’ve been delighted by the response of the congregation, especially from people who aren’t very connected with church. Hopefully, this arrangement will use the popular to draw people in and direct to “lean” on the Lord in times of need. Trax: HL 00121533. Rhythm parts: HL 00121534 (Click "youtube" icon for full screen)
Let All the People Say Amen – Lorenz 10/3611M So many churches say this in their services. I thought there needed to be a song to help them say it. The phrase comes from the scripture when David is dancing before the Lord. This is spiritual styled call and response. I usually use it without percussion, but it really cooks either way.
Let the Children Come - Alfred 42919 view Though the children may have been laughing and playing, Jesus drew them close with all their youthful exuberance. I’ve tried to capture this energy as we lead our children closer to Christ.
Let Your Kingdom Come - Hal Leonard 00156817
Let the Song Go Forth – Exaltation 10/3642L Traditional anthem with trumpet. A dialogue between layers: “Come, let us worship” and “But how shall we sing and not share the song?
Let the Word Live in You – Glorysound A8585 See the music This anthem really speaks to the heart to encourage faith in God’s word. It speaks of hymns, psalms and spiritual songs. Bless all the people who were at Shawnee in this era for helping me share my music.
Let the Words of My Mouth - Glorysound A7669 Very worshipful chorus arrangement. The chorus is immediately learned by a congregation. The anthem introduces two sections and then combines them in a cool polyphonic ending.
Life Filled with Hallelujahs – Lorenz “While I am living, I want to live a life that is filled with hallelujahs.”
Light of Mine - Exaltation 10/3468L view For SATB with optional children’s choir, this combines “This Little Light” with “The Lord Is My Light” from the Psalms. Very warm and comforting.
Like a Lighthouse - Lorenz 10/1369P This was commissioned by First Baptist Church in Morehead City, NC (on the coast). The idea came to me as I was walking on the beach near an old lighthouse. It calls the church to be the light of the world.
Like, I Like to Say Like - Heritage SATB:15/3134H SAB:15/3136H SSA: 15/3135H This is a humorous piece poking fun at the way we like, use the word, “like”.
Listen to the People - Flammer A 6997 Cool folk-like melody with a celtic feel.
Listen to the Silence of Night – Shawnee HL 35012951 From Once Upon a Night.
Little Drop of Heaven - Lorenz 10/5341L view A general anthem that works well for the Advent season. Based on the verse, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Little Bitty Babe 10/4561L view Beginning with a child soloist, this brings to light the identity of Christ. From the cantata, Images of Adoration.
Live a Life of Praise - Glorysound A 7109 See the Music Written for a man who gave many years as a church pianist, this anthem includes the hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy”. The additional text celebrates the giving of ones life to worship leadership. It has been used in music conferences and would be good for music week or musician appreciation.
Live My Life for Love – Alfred 00-34833 view
Look Up, Way Down – Alfred 00-31171 (2pt and SAB available) Text by Mattie Stepanek
Lord Came Down to the River, The – Hope C 5439 Tells the story of the Lord’s baptism as it parrallells our own.
"Lord, Have Mercy"
Lord Have Mercy – Lorenz 10/4093 view A cappella written straight from the heart. A prayer for others who are in need with each verse ending, “Lord have mercy on me.” With optional stomps and claps.
Lord Is Listening, The - Lorenz 10/4656L With soaring music and an evocative text based on Psalm 34, this is a musical reminder that the Lord hears us in our times of need.
Lord of All Time – Hal Leonard HL 35027926 Built on the Ecclesiastes text, this piece is good for thanksgiving, graduations and memorial services. Notice that it’s mostly SAB. The demo is true to my marking, but I ended up taking it faster with my choir.
Lord, I Call You Friend – GlorySound A8904
Lord Work a Miracle - Glorysound A 7111 See the Music My pastor was preaching on Jesus turning water into wine and wanted me to find a song to fit the theme. After looking, I gave up and wrote a solo song which became a choir arrangement. It talks about some of the miracles of Jesus then focuses on the ultimate miracle of grace. It is very reflective with a very powerful "B section". By the way, pianists really like this one.
Make My Life a Blessing – Shawnee A8731 View sample
Man of Sorrows, What a Name – Shawnee Based on the Gospel hymn, this piece interprets the text with a very gripping, dramatic flow.
Marching to the Promised Land - Lorenz 10/1232P
Mary and Elizabeth – Shawnee This first appeared in my Christmas musical, “Once Upon a Night”. Some have said this is one of my best pieces. Two soloists assume the roles of Mary and Elizabeth which melds into a final triumph, “My soul magnifies the Lord”.
Messiah Has Come, The – Lorenz 10/3390M view
Mighty Good to Praise the Lord – Lorenz 10/3593M
Mind Is a Garden, The – Shawnee HL35028933 Based on Phiippians 4:8-9, This anthem encourages us to plant in our minds whatever is good and true, so the God of peace will live in and through us.
Music of the Morning – Alfred SATB:19052 (SAB:1053) Sample
My Eyes Have Seen the Glory Glorysound 35014786 Using the familiar phrase, this song is a witness to God’s presence in the worlds: the wonder of creation, the love of a man and wife, the beauty of the child, etc.
My Shepherd Is the Lord - Hal Leonard 35014858
My Song for Life - Hal Leonard 35032181 Includes "Jesus Loves Me". Good for service themes of children, senior adults, teacher appreciation and recruitment. Here's the first verse: "When I was just a child, I was surrounded by - the people who loved me. And they taught me a song, and when I sang along, I knew Jesus loves me. A simple song of faith, It taught I could pray to the one who was strong.This was my song for life."
Never a Step Will You Walk Alone - Lorenz 10/5350L
Night of the Father’s Love – Lorenz 10/3576L view SAB: 10/4579L his was the #1 bestseller for Lorenz. It inspired the musical of the same name that was the #1 bestseller of all traditional cantatas. More canata info is at the top of this page. It is also arranged for handbells : 20/1497L
O Breath of Life - Lorenz 10/4594L See the Music This is a live recording of the NC Singers. I really enjoyed setting this beautiful hymn text. It has a smooth, dramatic flow for the most part with a big climax on the text, "Revive us, Lord..." It would be great for a service of renewal with worship themes concerning the Holy Spirit. The piano part is very artful and seeks to give a feeling of breath and flow. People have really responded to this one in reading sessions.
O Magnify the Lord with Me - Lorenz 10/4889L View music Full of character, this original piece features a singing melody that is originally stated in the soprano and alto voices and then echoed in the tenor and bass parts. The optional cello, bass, and acoustic guitar accompaniment complement the infectious melody to give this standout anthem a unique character.
O Sacred Journey - Lorenz 55/1197L This walks through the crucifixion story, using “O Sacred Head” with new texts. Ends with a dramatic, “When I Survey”. Great for holy week services.
Once Upon a Night - Flammer A 7132 With its sense of intimacy and rich harmonies, this would be a great piece to include in a Christmas musical, perhaps as the title song. This could be done very effectively with guitar and flute accompaniment.
Once Upon a Tree - Hal Leonard 35016190 One of my best all time sellers. Inspired a full cantata which continues to sell well.
One Solitary Life - Hal Leonard 08740762
One Song – Alfred 20907 (SATB) and 20908 (SAB) view Written to honor my friend Neal Eller. The piece calls us to build bridges and tear down walls so we may sing one song united.
One Step He Leads – Hal Leonard New Voicings: SATB: #HL 35016279 (SAB:#HL 35030381) (SSA: #HL 35030382) Rehearsal tracks available! This song probably has received the most testimonials. It use a light gospel style to carry the text, "One step he leads and one step I'll follow." Many have said how it brought them comfort and hope in great times of trouble.
One World, One Communion - Hope C 6113 View music For World Communion Sunday, church unity and mission emphasis.
Only Worship - Glorysound A 7715
Open Prayer - Lorenz 10/4123L view A prayer that we will open ourselves to people around us. Listen to the cool echo in the second verse.
Overflow with Hope - Lorenz 10/5812L Avail. digital download. Based on Rom. 15/13. Good for ministering to others. May serve as a blessing or a benediction song.
Peace Will Fill the Grateful Heart - Shawnee
People Who Walk in Darkness, The – Lorenz 10/3174 (TTBB: 10/3175M) This song is also in I Hear the Prophet Callin’, where it is orchestrated.
Power of My Spirit, The - Shawnee A 7876
Praise the Lord Again - Lorenz 10/26055P view
Pray for a Miracle - Shawnee A 7939
Pray for the Parents - Glorysound Written for children's choirs, this is a great piece for Mother's Day, Father's Day or a family emphasis.
Pray for the People - Hope C 5542 View Sample So effective to pair this anthem with a prayer time. “Pray for the person on your left, pray for the person on your right. They may seem strong, but you don’t know all of the struggles and the burdens they hold…”
Praying Hands - Glorysound D 5528 SA(T)B View a sample A light contemporary ballad about our need to worship amidst our busyness in the Kingdom.
Press On - Heritage/Lorenz 15/3722H Great message anthem. “Press on, let the challenge of the road make you strong.” Appropriate for school and community too.
Psalm 146 - Harold Flammer A 7569 View a sample A traditional anthem setting the wonderful text of Psalm 146.
Psalm of Joy - Lorenz 10/1455M
Psalm to the Savior – Hope 5560 view sample
Raise the Christmas Hallelujah – Shawnee A 7947 See the Music This is from ONCE UPON A NIGHT. A dynamic celebration in 6/8. Orchestration and accomp. CD is available.
Raise the Wave of Praise – Lorenz 10/3965L view
Reap What You Sow – Lorenz 10/4048L view Cool and reflective a cappella: “What you plant in love will surely bloom and the fruit of the Spirit will come back to you.”
Reasons to Thank You – Lorenz 10/4382 A joyful song of thanksgiving with a Gospel drive. Including a brief reference to “For the Beauty”this piece calls the listener to thank the Lord with “all your mind, heart and soul.
Rejoice in the Hope – Church Street Press (SSATTB) More challenging a cappella, commissioned by the Gary Bonner Singers
Rejoice with Joy to the World –Lorenz 10/4554L view A medley with a Celtic flair.
Remember Me - GlorysoundA 7424 View a sample The very gentle folk style creates an initmacy of communion. The simplicity and charm of this anthem will draw the listener in to experience the true meaning of the Lord’s Supper. A part is available for violin (or C instrument).
Remember the Passion – Exaltation (Lorenz) 10/3550L view This is a dramatic piece that intersperses the chorus and scripture readings from the passion of Christ.
Remember to Remember – Lorenz 10/4326L With all that crowds our minds, this anthem calls us to focus on the Lord and truly worship. Written as general worship anthem, it is also appropriate for communion.
Respect the Lord - Glorysound HL 35018186 A light contemporary song for children's choirs about loving the Lord with all our hearts.
Resurrection People - Hal Leonard #35018199 Celebrate the joy of Easter in contemporary style with this exciting and rhythmic anthem of praise. Resurrection Joy tells the Easter story in a soft jazz, light pop style - great for blended worship. The excitement of Christ's resurrection will last beyond Sunday as both choir and congregation remember the joy and the tune for a long time to come.
Rise Up! - Hal Leonard A spiritual for Easter.
Rise Up! Get Ready! - Lorenz 10/4740L - Energetic Advent.
Rise Up and Call Her Blessed – Lorenz 10/4318L Written in honor of my mother, this uses the Proverbs text to calls us to honor our parents. There are text options to make this appropriate for family emphases, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.
Row Together to the Kingdom - Alfred 23693 Really cool acappella!
Run to the Tomb - Lorenz 10/4716 preview
Runnin' Down to Bethlehem - Glorysound A7425 I loved listening to cajun music at Merlefest, a giant folk festival in NC. I wanted to try my hand at the style and thought the shepherds would provide the perfect subject. Cajun music has an earthy quality and the shepherds were certainly strong, earthy kind of men. This is a boisterous song of celebration that has parts for optional accordian and rhythm section.
See the Children Here Before Us – Shawnee HL 35028008 I wrote this tune for the text of Jan McGuire. It appear in the CELEBRATING GRACE HYMNAL. Mark Edwards did the arrangement.
Seek and You Will Find - Warner Bros. BSC9605
Seeking the King – Lorenz 10/4029L (SAB:10/4029L) This has orchestration and an accompaniment CD
Servant in Your Heavenly House, A – Lorenz 10/4124 video A great piece to call people to discipleship or to honor a special person. With the feel of a worship chorus, the three melodies combine for an inspiring bit of counterpoint. The piece was commissioned for Kathie Wilkinson, a music minister friend of mine. She is a hard worker and has a wonderful ministry. As I have done several events at her church, I noticed that they have a lot of doors. Though someone is responsible for them, we all have to inevitably have to "lock up sometimes". We also move chairs, set up tables, gather books and clean choir robes. Many times, it is much like tending to a house. This caused me to remember the Psalm text. We offer our time to Kingdom work though there are many things we could give our lives to. This is an expression of worship as we offer ourselves to the Lord and His Church's ministry.
Shout for Joy – Shawnee A 7375 An energetic piece with optional guitar and mandolin from my CD, PSALMS OF THE WOOD.
Silent Night for All the World – Fred Bock Music JG2399 (SAB: JG2 412) (with optional accordion/synth, guitar and congas) view This uses the text in English, German, Korean, Spanish and a bit of Swahili. It finishes with a powerful message of peace.
Simeon’s Blessing - Glorysound A 7298 See the Music I wrote this piece to present on Sundays after Christmas. It always seems abrupt when we suddenly stop singing Christmas music. Since the Sundays after Christmas are not our choir's high attendance times, I wrote this rather simply. This anthem could also be included in a program which tells the Christmas story.
Sing! Shout! Praise! - Glorysound A 7205 See the Music This was the first anthem release from my choral recording, PSALMS OF THE WOOD. The piece has a driving ethnic feel, reminiscent of Celtic music that is so popular today. Building in intensity, the piece erupts into boisterous praise. The recording includes accompaniment of guitar, accordion, violin and bodhran (Irish drum). Instrumental parts are available. (Click title to for text and recording.)
Sing an Old Song to the Lord - Shawnee A 7900 View sample
Sing to the Lord a New Song - Glorysound A 7556 See the Music |An anthem designed to lead the congregation in song. Because of its call and response form, the chorus will be immediately learned by the people the first time they sing it. The demo has a hot rhythm section, but I've done it with piano and/or guitar.
Song of Mission - Monarch 10/26048P
Soldiers of the Cross – Lorenz 10/3831L (SAB: 10/3832L) view From my Easter musical, COME TOUCH THE ROBE. Accompaniment CD, part dominant practice CD and orchestration available.
Song of the Saints - Hal Leonard HL35021132 This is one of my favorite texts. It is written from the point of view of those who have gone on to heaven. Written in a majestic 3/4 meter, the song is a triumphant reassurance of our eternal life in Christ.
Spin the Wheel Toward Heaven - Lorenz 10/4690L view With OPTIONAL piano accompaniment. I was inspired to write this as I was going on a long bike ride. “Sometimes life seems all uphill, but through the power of faith, I will press on.” The rhythm is meant to inspire us to hopeful perseverance.
Spirit Makes All Things New, The – Lorenz 10/3788L view
Spirituals We Love – Lorenz 70/1725L Piano book with arrangements by Pepper Choplin, Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Ruth Elaine Schram & Larry Shackley. Each piece has an article by the arranger telling about the reasons it is a favorite.
Steppin’ Out on Faith – Alfred view
Star of Advent – Lorenz 10/3991L (SAB: 10/3992L) This is a remake of “A Star” with new accompaniment and orchestration. This has a part-dominant rehearsal CD, plus orchestration and accompaniment CD
Still I’ll Rejoice - Beckenhorst BP2172 view Based on Habakkuk 3:16-19. The anthem opens, “Though the fig tree does not blossom and there are no grapes on the vine, still I’l rejoice in the Lord.” Thanks to Mark Green of First Baptist Church, Gainesville, GA for requesting that I set this text.
Sweet By and By - Lorenz HANDBELL PIECE See the Music Click Here to Listen
Sweet Are the Prayers of a Friend - Beckenhorst BP2155 Inspired by a prayer meeting in my church. Very moving. "Friends pray for healing. They pray revealing all the burdens of our souls."
Sweet By and By - Lorenz HANDBELL PIECE See the Music Click Here to Listen
Sweet Harmony – Lorenz 10/4097 view Bright and rhythmic. Great piece to celebrate and encourage church unity. With optional rhythm section. Optional rhythm parts: 30/2673L. Accomp. CD: 99/2837L.
Surely This Was the Son of God – Shawnee HL 35022219Sweet By and By
Table of Grace - Lorenz 10/4839L view sample "Love will refresh and the Spirit will raise. Come to the table of grace. This anthem was for my friend, Clif Harris, upon his 25th anniversary at his church.
Tapestry of Love - Beckenhorst BP2189 view Good for church and school, this celebrates our faithful service to others.
Teach Us to Pray - Glorysound A 6875
Thanks for Giving - Lorenz 10/4903L SAB/SATB See video.
Thank You for Coming – Lorenz 10/3637M See the Music A warm uptempo Gospel welcome song with a touch of HUMOR.
There Is Power in Jesus’ Name – Hope C 5533 view sample
This Is My Beloved Son - Exaltation 10/3475L view Good for Transfiguration Sunday
This Is My Word - Shawnee A 7325 This is still one of my bestseller. It has been sung by several state music director groups. This is also on my solo CD, Hold On. I have a TTBB arrangement too.
This Is Our Story - Lorenz 10/4809L (video below) With quotes from the Singer's Prayer and "Blessed Assurance".
This Is the Time to Be Joyful – Hal Leonard HL 00125433 To make this sparkle with joy, I used a bright Baroque style. This is to remind us that our worship services should be happy occasion. This could support worship themes such as Advent, Easter, call to worship, and Christ the King.
This Won’t Get Me Down - Alfred 00-32315
Those Who Sow the Peace Shawnee A 7854 Commissioned by the Gary Bonner Singers. Full orchestration is available from the composer.
Through Christ – Hope C5758
Time to Thank the Lord - Glorysound This is a light hearted Cajun style piece that has a very strong message: If you've got enough time to moan and whine and talk about all your troubles, then that's a sign that you've got enough time to come and thank the Lord. Near the end, the congregation is encouraged to join with the chorus of the old Gospel, "Count Your Blessings.
Timeless Song - Glorysound A 7327 from PSALMS OF THE WOOD. (Click title to for text and recording.)
Tiny Miracle – Lorenz 10/4894L SATB/a cappella with optional small percussion View music.
To Every Generation - Glorysound A 8521 See the Music
To God Be the Glory – Hal Leonard 35028660 a cappella Listen |View This drives forward with ostinato and echo effects for a celebrative worship anthem.
Train Up a Child – (SAB) Hal Leonard HL 35023978 See the Music One of my bestsellers for family days, baptisms and child dedications.
Treasured Three - Hal Leonard 35029837 view The demo has a nice rhythm section. However, the piece works very well with just piano with its flowing eighth note “plucking” motion. Listen particularly to the text. Ex: “Hope smiles at the morning sun.”
Tree of Life - Hinshaw HMC 2024 view sample This traces the story of humankind’s creation, the fall and the redemption through Christ. One of my best text that is set in a very artistic way.
True to Your Word - Shawnee HL 35024094 A ¾ Gospel song celebrate the power and constancy of the Word of God.
Twelve Days of Christmas Praise, The - Glorysound A 7207 See the Music This has been used in some larger pageants and singing Christmas trees. A unique way to connect with your listeners and lead them to praise.
Upon This Rock – Lorenz 10/3906L (SAB: 10/4728L View )
Visit Us, Emmanuel - Lorenz 10/4741L view This is a very artful piece. "In quiet times when we are still, we yearn to feel Your Spirit's breath, the healing touch of holiness."
Waiting – Lorenz 10/3595M scripture and music sequence for Waiting and 1 Samuel 3
Waitin’ for the Mornin’ – Lorenz 10/4481L view Though this has accompaniment, it is designed to also work as a cappella piece. Written in a soulful spiritual style, this may be sung with or without the piano. Of course it’s appropriate for Holy Week or even as an intro to Easter. However, this will offer hope year round to those who are walking through times of personal darkness.
Wake Up, Church, Wake Up - Lorenz 10/3048M I got this idea on the way back from a late concert. It begins quietly with the marking, "A bit too sweetly". Then it explodes in arousing call to wake up the church. The final chorus includes the spiritual, "Rise and Shine" (...and give God the glory, glory)
Walk a Mile – (arr. Mark Hayes) Alfred 19319
Walking Cross the Sea– Lorenz 10/3513M (TTBB: 10/3514M) This has a slow rocking spiritual feel. With rhythm section and Gospel organ.
Wash Their Feet – Lorenz 10/4475L From my cantata, Come Touch the Robe, this is a tender anthem telling the story of Jesus washing Peter’s feet. It goes on to encourage us to do the same as we minister to the “humble and meek”. Ideal for Holy Week services, it includes optional text that makes it appropriate for communion. SAB: 10/4458L. Trax: 99/3264L.
The Way of Christ - Lorenz 10/5710L Download avail. A power ballad to communicate the identity and mission of the church. Great for anniversaries and church celebrations.
We Adore You Three in One - Lorenz 10/4702L
We Are Not Alone Hal Leonard HL 35025075 This is one of my most enduring pieces. It appears in both Our Father: A Journey through the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23. There are several youtube renditions.
We Bring Thanksgiving - Lorenz 10/4237L The original title was “We Are Blessed Again”. The thesis is though thanksgiving is to be directed to God, we are blessed and uplifted when we consider all we have to be thankful for. I love the tune, “Simple Gifts”, but I feared to use it unless it was incorporated in a unique way. So I paired it with “Now Thank We All Our God” as a partner song arrangement.
We Come to Say Thank You – Lorenz 10/4658 This has been a #1 seller for Lorenz. Light hearted and easily learned, this includes the text of “For the Beauty of the Earth”. Congas or other rhythm will add to this piece.
We Fall Down – Lorenz 10/3928L Accomp CD and rhythm parts avail.
We Have Seen the Lord - Lorenz 10/4610L view A very artistic, dramatic anthem leading from the quietness of the tomb to the driving excitement of the resurrection. A great way to begin a Easter season service.
We Live by Faith – Lorenz 10/4232L People have expressed how this anthem has moved them. It was commissioned for a pastor in Florida who had started a church years before. At the time of the commissioning, he was quickly losing his sight. “We walk by faith and not by sight” was a natural scripture to use. I love the thought that when we enter heaven, there will be no need for faith. Then, we will see the Son of God with our own eyes.
We Say Amen - Exaltation 10/3328L See the music.
We Thank You for Beloved Saints - Lorenz 10/5162L This anthem is a prayer of thanks for the saints in our lives who have faithfully served and inspired generations of believers with their loving legacy. It is an excellent option for All Saints' Day with flexible voicing options.
We’re Gonna Have Church – Lorenz 10/4547L This one calls us to be all that church is meant to be. There is a bit of humor about the chorus. Many will do the motions when you sing this.
We're Gonna Worship Christ the King - Lorenz 10/4245L view In a call and response spiritual style. Very fun, singable a cappella. Sometimes we simply praise the Lord. Many times, I have needed an anthem about the Kingship of Christ. In the second verse, notice the stewardship text, “Bring all your offerings to the King”. This is my easiest a cappella pieces. It is a simple, rousing, heartfelt praise anthem.
We’ve Got the Spirit – Lorenz 10/2987M view A cappella spiritual style.
Welcome All to Worship - Glorysound A 7601 The church that commissioned this piece wanted to stress that all are welcome to come and worship the Lord together. This bright, energetic anthem is a great way to begin as we encourage all to enter into God's presence.
Well Done, My Faithful Servant - Exaltation 10/3617L
What Man Is This? - Lorenz 55/1197L This ties together Christ’s birth with His death in this anthem from "The Body of Christ". Usually heard at Christmas, the tune, Greensleeves” carries new lyrics to highlight Christ's sacrifice. A perfect choice for Holy Week.
What You Gonna Preach? - Hal Leonard 35030984peace
Whisper a Prayer for Me – Hal Leonard HL 35025787 Inspired by the words of my mother, this expresses encouragement and support as friends pray for each other. This piece could support worship themes such as prayer, compassion, sending out of mission groups, farewell services or graduation Sunday.
Who Is the King? - Flammer A 7163 I know I'm not the first to set this text, but I think you'll find something fresh here. It has a driving energy with modal harmonies that will provide a dynamic way to begin a service. Parts for brass quintet and timpani are available.
Who Is This Babe – Shawnee HL35025831
Who Shall Separate Us? Hope C 5673 view From the book of Romans, this anthem begins and ends with, “Who shall separate us from the love of our Lord? Very encouraging and singable. Option rhythm parts: C 5673R and accomp. CD: C 5673C.
Whoa Mule, Whoa – Shawnee Children’s piece for school.
Why Do Worry? Lorenz 10/5642L From Matthew 6, part of Sermon on the Mount.
Winds of Alleluia - Lorenz 10/4956L This piece describes the flow of worship - thanksgiving, prayer and praise. The flute part adds to the fluid, swirling motion of the melody and accompaniment. Of course, this would also be a good piece for Pentecost.
With Open Hearts, We Are Waiting – Lorenz 10/4444L
With Thanksgiving - Lorenz 10/5460L view score Video
Within These Walls – Lorenz 10/3609M (SAB: 10/3610M) Former number: 10/26045P
Wonderful Grace of Jesus - Lorenz 10/1156
Worship as One – Shawnee Part of my Greystone Worship Series, this is a great piece to tech to the congregation.
Worship You with My Life - Hal Leonard 08744591 (by Tina English, my arrangement)
Worthy of Your Name - Lorenz 10/5809L or digital download. Text from Phil 1:9-11. Great anthem of discipleship. “Lord, help me live worthy of your name, worthy of your call and the Gospel that I claim.”
Worthy Is the Lamb – Lorenz SATB: 10/3959 SAB: 10/3959L View Accomp. CD and Part Dominant CD available. From the cantata, Come Touch the Robe.
Yes Lord - Glorysound This is a high energy, contemporary gospel number. "Yes is our answer. What's your question gonna be?" Our pastor told the story of visiting a church in which the pastor came to the pulpit and started praying over and over, "Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord." The congregation began singing the same phrase with their own improvised tunes. After a bit, the pastor motioned for the singing to cease and then said, "Lord, that is our answer, now what is your question?" I fashioned this chorus and had the congregation sing it at the end of that service. The verses include the stories of Samuel and Jesus' disciples who said "yes" to the Lord.
You Are Forever God - Lorenz 3709L
You Are Lord - Lorenz 10/1283P This now appears in my Christmas cantata, Lead Me Back to Bethlehem. It is a very straightforward, heartfelt anthem of praise.
You Are the Christ – Hinshaw HMC2180A view sample (Brass/handbells: HMC2180A)
You Are the Salt and Light – Shawnee/Hal Leonard #HL 35027232 view Smooth with organ chimes or handbells. I didn’t think about the pairing of the title and my name until I had finished the piece.
You Are Wonderfully Made – Lorenz 10/4379L The 2nd verse says, “Remember that you’re a child of God, part of God’s creation. So when you feel that you are weak and flawed, remember that you’re a child of God.”
You Will Reap What You Sow – Lorenz 15/2868H view A cappella piece for school and community groups. After releasing the church version, Reap What You Sow, (see above) some teachers said that their students needed to hear this lesson and asked me to write a text appropriate for schools.
You Supply My Every Breath – Lorenz 2906M (See the music) This has a cool jazz feel which matched the sense of comfort and gratitude I felt as I wrote this piece. Though it is a humble tribute of praise and thanksgiving, it also reminds those who are suffering that God is "there through every test".
You’re Always There - Lorenz 10/3293M view A dynamic 6/8 praise and worship anthem.
Your Love Will Be My Song – Lorenz 10/4401L This is a celebration of God’s love and encourages us to respond by ministering to those in need.