Christmas Anthems
Go to Him in Bethlehem - Hope C6250 The rhythmic energy has a dynamic global feel that makes it contagious to the listener as we hear the Christmas story in a new way. The rhythm and picc/flute parts really bring the anthem to life. More info and products.
The Coming of the Lord - Lorenz 10/4923 video below View music. This quasi-classical piece really roars. Surprisingly easy to learn, the choir loves to bounce on the eighths and sing with vitality.
The Coming of the Lord - Lorenz 10/4923 video below View music. This quasi-classical piece really roars. Surprisingly easy to learn, the choir loves to bounce on the eighths and sing with vitality.
Joy in the Desert - Hal Leonard 000339793 (video above) An ideal Advent anthem, this will work throughout the year. I like the staccato of the B section, “And then the lame shall leap like a deer and the speechless sing.” A very uplifting picturesque piece!
A Merry Christmas Wish - Hal Leonard 00159832 From the publisher: has taken one of the classic Christmas concert closers, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, added two new engaging counter-melodies, and wrapped them in an easy swing that invites the audience to sing along. Reminiscent in format to the Christmas classic Peace, Peace, this clever carol setting is sure to follow suit. A rhythm part is available separately as is a performance/rehearsal track. Cue sized-notes enable this voicing to work for middle school choirs on up.
A Star – Lorenz 10/1048 Selected by CREATOR MAGAZINE as one of the best anthems of the 90’s. This piece is a Christmas tradition in many churches.
Angels Are Making Their Rounds - 10/4230L view My cantata, Night of the Father’s Love was a surprisingly big seller. From that musical, ”Angels Are Making Their Rounds” is the one that people talk about the most. Each voice part quotes an angel one at a time, then they combine to create a feeling of “supernatural activity” with angels appearing here and there.
Angel Band - Lorenz 10/4802 Publisher Desc. This engaging arrangement of the folk song "Angel Band" centers on the angels' joyous proclamation of Christ's birth to the shepherds in the field. An optional vocal trio and instrumental ensemble add to the mountain folk fun! (From the cantata "Go Sing It on the Mountain", SATB 65/2073L)
Angels’ Noel (see video)- Lorenz
Bethlehem Procession - Glorysound A 7526 As the men begin with the drum-like, “Come, O come...,” the women soar with a lyrical line which beckons the listener to join the procession to see the Christ child. The piece builds to a joyous call to “come, see the shining light,” then gradually fades into the distance. You can almost feel the procession as it goes by. The optional bongos, tambourine and finger cymbals will make this anthem especially dramatic. A perfect piece to begin a program or to help tell the story of the wise men (Epiphany).
Birthday in a Manger - Lorenz 10/47/67L view Many churches use “Happy Birthday” to help children celebrate Christ’s birth. I arranged this anthem for all ages to incorporate this song into your services in a worshipful way. Click view for ideas.
Children of Light - Hal Leonard
The Christmas Gift - Beckenhorst (NEW IN 2004) The piece begins with the congregation singing a nice hymn text to the tune of "The Holly and the Ivy" Their words talk about giving gifts to each other to celebrate Christ's birthday. Then as a surprise, a soloist plays the role of Jesus and asks, "You celebrate my birthday... What is your gift to me?" Then, there is a dialogue that mirrors the Biblical text of Jesus' discussion with His disciples that ends: "When you do it unto the least of these, you do it unto me." The piece encourages the listener to minister to those in need as a Christmas gift to Christ. A very
Christmas Hallelujah - Monarch 10/2817M See the Music | A Gospel celebration of the season.
Christ the Lord – Shawnee A7387 (view score) One of my favorite anthems though it was not a “hit”. This worshipful anthem reflects on how the Christ’s name was first announced. It then calls the listener to praise Jesus as the Christ.. Smooth and contemplative, each verse ends with a smooth soaring line carrying the text, “Jesus, Saviour, Christ, the Lord”.
Christmas Joy - Glorysound A 7016 view sample Spiritual for the season. With piano accompaniment.
Come Emmanuel! – Lorenz 10/4173L (SAB: 10/4174) view From vibrant anticipation to a dramatic call, this is a fresh way to begin Advent. My favorite part is the surprise ending. From my new cantata, Lead Me Back to Bethlehem.
Comfort and Joy – Alfred 26462(2 pt: 26463)
Fall on Your Knees – Lorenz 10/4150L (SAB: 10/4151L) From the bestselling cantata, Night of the Father’s Love. I set out just to try to make it as gorgeous as I could manage. Very powerful!
Free Us, Emmanuel! – Lorenz 10/4569L I'm always looking for a way to connect the story with the listeners' personal life experience. “Free us from the heavy chains of our sin and our sadness and body of pain!”
Give Us Peace - Glorysound A 7311 from PSALMS OF THE WOOD.
Gloriacapella - Lorenz 10/5185L A cool, fresh way to tell the shepherds' story. The voice sections combine to create an ostinato of "Gloria" as the soloist recalls the event. Some choir will choose to sing it with piano doubling. If so, there is an alternate title.
Glory Is A-Coming Our Way – Lorenz 10/3714L view
Glory to God in the Highest Heaven 10/4693L view With optional rhythm. From the cantata, ONE SILENT NIGHT, this is a spirited call-and-response folk style. Many will know the music from my “Fill-a-Me-Up”.
Go Tell It Where I Send Thee - Lorenz 10/5134L SATB/SAB and Piano with optional Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Perf/Acc CD, Fiddle. This piece is in Christmas Presence with orchestral accompaniment. view
Go to Him in Bethlehem - Hope C6250 The rhythmic energy has a dynamic global feel that makes it contagious to the listener as we hear the Christmas story in a new way. The rhythm and picc/flute parts really bring the anthem to life. More info and products.
Goin’ On Up to Bethlehem – Alfred 18954 See the Music My choir had a blast singing this rocking Christmas spiritual. "Why do you stand there wasting time? We are going on up to Bethlehem." (Available in SATB and SAB).
Heavenly Star Lorenz 10/4276L from Heaven's Child.
The Heavens Are Telling – Monarch Musical
Heaven's Song GlorysoundA 7245 This is from my choral album entitled, PSALMS OF THE WOOD. It is a collection of my choral music accompanied by folk instruments and keyboards. Often, I hear people talk about a need for greater spirituality; to really feel connected to God. This is true even in the secular realm, for there is much discussion about spirituality. “Heaven’s Song” expresses that need in every human heart.
I Hear the Prophet Callin’ - Lorenz single anthem 10/3751L view
Joyful Celebration - Alfred 16442 See the Music
Let Your Kingdom Come - Hal Leonard 00156817
Listen to the Silence - Shawnee
Little Bitty Babe Lorenz 10/4561, SAB: 10/4579L view Beginning with a child soloist, this brings to light the identity of Christ. From the cantata, Images of Adoration.
Little Drop of Heaven - Lorenz 10/5341L view A general anthem that works well for the Advent season. Based on the verse, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Mary and Elizabeth – Shawnee This first appeared in my Christmas musical, “Once Upon a Night”. Some have said this is one of my best pieces. Two soloists assume the roles of Mary and Elizabeth which melds into a final triumph, “My soul magnifies the Lord”.
Night of the Father’s Love – Lorenz 10/3576L view a sample AThis was the #1 bestseller for Lorenz. It inspired the musical of the same name that was the #1 bestseller of all traditional cantatas. More info is at the top of this page. It is also arranged forhandbells : 20/1497L
Once Upon a Night - Flammer A 7132 With its sense of intimacy and rich harmonies, this would be a great piece to include in a Christmas musical, perhaps as the title song. This could be done very effectively with guitar and flute accompaniment.
People Who Walk in Darkness, The – Lorenz 10/3174 (TTBB: 10/3175M) This song is also in I Hear the Prophet Callin’, where it is orchestrated.
Pray for a Miracle – Shawnee A 7939
Raise the Christmas Hallelujah – Shawnee A 7947
Rejoice with Joy to the World –Lorenz 10/4554L view A medley with a Celtic flair.A medley with a Celtic flair.
Rise Up! Get Ready! - Lorenz 10/4740 Great for Advent.
Runnin' Down to Bethlehem - Glorysound A7425 I loved listening to cajun music at a giant folk festival in NC. I wanted to try my hand at the style and thought the shepherds would provide the perfect subject. Cajun music has an earthy quality and the shepherds were certainly strong, earthy kind of men. This is a boisterous song of celebration that has parts for optional accordian and rhythm section.
Seeking the King – Lorenz 10/4029L (SAB:10/4029L) This has orchestration and an accompaniment CD
Silent Night for All the World – Fred Bock Music JG2399 (SAB: JG2 412) This blends the traditional carol text in six languages with a powerful peace message at the end. This is easily learned. No singer needs to learn the text in more than one foreign language. This is a great program closer. I envision three groups singing from different sides of the room and then processing to join at the front during the English verse and solo.
Simeon's Blessing - Glorysound A 7298 I wrote this piece to present on Sundays after Christmas. It always seems abrupt when we suddenly stop singing Christmas music. Since the Sundays after Christmas are not our choir's high attendance times, I wrote this rather simply. This anthem could also be included in a program which tells the Christmas story.
Star of Advent – Lorenz 10/3991L (SAB: 10/3992L) This is a remake of “A Star” with new accompaniment and orchestration. This has a part-dominant rehearsal CD, plus orchestration and accompaniment CD
Timeless Song - Glorysound A 7327 from PSALMS OF THE WOOD. (Click title to for text and recording.)
Tiny Miracle – Lorenz 10/4894L NEW SATB/a cappella with optional small percussion View music.
Twelve Days of Christmas Praise, The - Glorysound A 7207 See the Music pThis has been used in some larger pageants and singing Christmas trees. A unique way to connect with your listeners and lead them to praise.
Unto Us a Child Is Born - Lorenz 10/5518L Bright, electric energy. Choirs love the skip. From The Seven Noels (cantata)
Visit Us, Emmanuel - Lorenz 10/4741L view (video below( This is a very artful piece. "In quiet times when we are still, we yearn to feel Your Spirit's breath, the healing touch of holiness." Publisher page
Waiting – Lorenz 10/3595M scripture and music sequence for Waiting and 1 Samuel 3
We Say Amen - Exaltation 10/3328L
With Open Hearts, We Are Waiting – Lorenz 10/444L
Who is This Babe of Bethlehem - Glorysound A 6872
You Are Lord - Lorenz 10/1283P This now appears in my Christmas cantata, Lead Me Back to Bethlehem. It is a very straightforward, heartfelt anthem of praise.